About Us
The Siberian cat is Russia’s native forest cat and a Russian National Treasure. This breed of cat comes from the bitterly cold climate of Siberia in the taiga of Russia. Siberian cats have been documented in Russian history, Russian fairy tales, and children’s books for hundreds of years. A Siberian appears in Harrison Wier’s book Our Cats and All About Them, which was published in 1889. The Siberian was brought to the USA in June of 1990, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The Siberian cat has a very fluffy tail, full ruff around the neck, full britches on the back legs, hair inside of the ears, and a round body type. They are medium-to-large in size with the appearance of excellent physical condition. Siberians are strong, powerful, and alert with a sweet facial expression, which includes large, round eyes. They have thick, medium-to-long fur that is water repellent with a very dense, triple coat. Their heavy coat stays relatively tangle-free with a good twice-weekly combing. Siberian cats can take up to 5 years to fully mature and females are usually smaller than males.
Siberians want to be near their family and enjoy the company of other cats, dogs, children, and other animals. They love to play games, play with toys, and play fetch. Playing in water, drinking from running water, and playing in the snow are their most enjoyable activities. Siberian cats are fearless, easygoing, sweet, loving, and supportive. They enjoy climbing, jumping, and being up as high as possible. Siberians remain playful even when they are fully grown. They will occasionally meow, but they communicate most often with sweet trills, purrs, and chirps. Siberians always know when someone is upset or sad and they do their best to cheer up that person with a big hug around the neck or a gentle headbutt to show that they care. All of this makes the Siberian cat a wonderful family pet and a loving companion.
Welcome to Winter Kot Siberians! We have had Siberian cats as part of our family since 1997. Through Winter Kot Siberians, we will continue to increase awareness of this majestic, loving cat breed and uphold the standards of the traditional Siberian cat through our small, home-based breeding program.
Winter Kot Siberians cattery is registered with the Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA). All of our Siberians are also registered with CFA and our male Siberian show cats are registered with The International Cat Association (TICA) as well. All of our kittens are registered with CFA before they go to their forever homes.
Our first Siberian cat was a wonderful brown mackerel tabby male who lived to be 18 years old. He was the sweetest, most fun, most social, most well-behaved cat that we have ever had. We miss him very much, but we are thankful to have had so many happy years with him. Our love for Siberians began with him and continues to this day!
All of our Siberians are purebred, pedigreed show cats in the Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA). During our years of attending cat shows with our majestic Siberians, we have encountered a lot of interest in the Siberian breed from many people who are fascinated by this breed that they have never heard of before. Many of them are interested in having a Siberian as part of their lives. This has led us to our decision to breed just one litter of Siberian kittens per year.
Our queen, Enya Thea, is a gorgeous smoke tortoiseshell (with white) Siberian female. Enya Thea means Little Fire Goddess and we think it suits her perfectly! She is brave, adventurous, and strong while also being loving, sweet, and happy. We are very happy to have her join our Siberian family and are very excited to be a part of her life for many years to come.
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